The Fab City Campus highlights initiatives that make Montreal stand out as the artistic city that it is.
OK George! Studio filmed the campus and its participating artists from the ground and the sky.
Every year Fab City is different too! Check out the latest indoors edition which our agency also filmed.
💡 Interested in the full backstory?
Montreal’s Fab City Summit is the annual meeting of the global Fab City Initiative, one that acts as a global infrastructure and source of knowledge for the transformation of the way we work, live, interact and evolve in our territories.
The Fab City Summit proposes six main topics: ecological transition, life sciences, sustainable design and biomimicry, advanced production ecosystem, education for the future, and regenerative economy.
The Fab City Campus highlighted initiatives that make Montreal stand out as a resilient and artistic city! Marking this event, Montreal artists painted beautiful canvases. Watch the video we produced for Fab City Montreal, an event characterized by beautiful aerial views (and by extension, gorgeous drone shots).
ClientFab City Global InitiativeServicesPhotography & VideographyLinkfab.city